Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If the Movie Makers are Having Similar Ideas or They just Copying Each Other….???

This is not an area that we talk on this blog. But when I surf the net I figured out some movies that are very much similar. Or exactly similar. So I posted the trailers of those movies and if you like leave a comment what do you think about this…..!!

1) Adrift in Manhattan vs Mumbai Diaries

Adrift in Manhattan

Mumbai Diaries

2) Tourist vs Anthony Zimmer


Anthony Zimmer

3) Let the Right One In vs Let Me In

Let the Right One In

Let Me In

4) I am Sam vs My Name is Khan

I am Sam

My Name is Khan


  1. I recognize, at the first time similarity is trailers do not show whole movie.and then when we go through all the movies there have same theme all the movie makers are humanbeigns so all the human beings' have same color of blood hey alla are think as ssimilare or exact similar ithink thatz the reason of you say so
